Speaking of Death...

*A gentle reminder: There are 3 days left to register for the Encaustic Experience: Beginner's Mind at the discounted rate.  As of this posting, there are only 8 spots left!  And remember...this is the last time I will be offering this class as-it-is, with all of the information in one spot.  LEARN MORE HERE!*


"Lay me down

Let the only sound

be the overflow

pockets full of stones..."

-What the Water Gave Me, Florence & The Machine


Death.  A macabre topic, no?  One too bothersome to speak of?

Alas, what we resist, persists.


Are you afraid to die?  I'm not talking of the big death, the final breath.  I'm talking of you coming to an end.  I'm talking of those thoughts and those beliefs to which you cling so tightly that they become life itself.

Are you afraid to let those die?  

I love debating, if only to examine my own perspectives.  Inevitably, in almost every debate, there comes a point where there is little left to be said.  The argument basically comes down to the time-tested, Because I Said So.

We are all afraid of death in some way.  I don't see that as the problem.  I see the problem being that we don't talk about it.  

In the conversation, we don't need to begin with the overwhelming end-of-life.  We can begin with these small deaths into which we are invited each day.  Small deaths of parts of the ego, of beliefs that no longer benefit us.  

I'm afraid of death.  I'm terrified of believing I'm going to be ok if I'm not making money.  I'm so scared of thinking that I might lose my mind before my body.  Though I can't make sense of it, I'm frightened to believe this roll around my middle is ok and not something to be worked off through running.

I could go on, but I'm too afraid.

We don't need to go on a massacre in our mind, but it can be immensely beneficial to let go of those things that are no longer serving us....no matter how terrifying those small deaths might seem.  

This weekend, I invite your gentle warrior to come forth.  For you to find even five minutes to allow yourself into a debate (with yourself).  Continue going back and forth until you tell yourself, because I said so.  Feel the terror in your body of challenging any further.  Gently, without judgment, ask where you can go from here ...of what you are ready to let die.


May you find renewed life.
