Repurpose, Reuse, Reframe, Rethink


Start with what is and create what will be. 

I found a wonderful old gate at a vintage sale in Indianapolis this weekend, and knew immediately what it wanted to be.


After bringing it home, I strung it with lights.  



I painted small clothespins first in color, then with a wash of white.



Each of these were used to clip on photos I've taken of family and scenery from the past few months.



And voila - a quirky photo display that adds awesome character to our living room.




Look around.  That item on the shelf that's been collecting dust - what else could you do with it?  

I'm curious - let me know how you plan to repurpose something in your home (or perhaps already have!).

Or perhaps you have an old thought, a way of seeing your job or your "have-tos", that needs to be revisited.  Shake things up - dust it off, and hang a few lights on it.  (Twinkle lights always help you to see things in a more beautiful light.)

Always start with what is...then create what will be.


Leave a comment below - let me know - how will you re-think, re-purpose, re-use, or re-start today?

