I Could Use Your Help...
I need your help.
I am ready to admit it.
I've been making assumptions on your behalf. And please, don't tell my husband...but I'm not always right. (Yes, you can laugh along with me now.)
I've been assuming what you want to hear (and don't want to hear) from me. I've been erring on the side of caution - which means that newsletter subscribers receive very little in their inbox and those who check this blog might not get to dive into regular postings.
You may like it that way. But you also might be missing out on some of the things you want to know - some of the musings and offerings that connected you to BeingBreath in the first place.
This morning, I had one of those palm-to-face moments. Instead of assuming, why don't I just ask?
This is where I need your help.
I've created a short and fun questionnaire - it should take you no more than 3 to 4 minutes (and hopefully offer a few laughs...or at least allow me a few laughs depending on how you answer).
I want to know - WHAT DO YOU WANT?
What drew you to BeingBreath? Is it the art? The mindfulness? The photos? Me?
How can I, though BeingBreath, help you in your day-to-day life?
All you have to do is CLICK HERE to be taken to the questionnaire.
(If you have the 3-4 minutes now, I'd love if you could answer it now so that you don't forget. I know that is a habit of mine - reading an email, closing it, and unintentionally zapping it from my memory...)
That's it!
If you are interested, read on for how I'm working to improve the BeingBreath site to work better for US - and what plans are in the making for inspiring and helping us all through my world work.
I am grateful, beyond words, for your acknowledgement and support.

Here's what I'm doing for us:
- I want this BeingBreath blog to be a place for CONVERSATION - where we can learn from and inspire one another one post at a time. Whether we are talking about bringing mindfulness to parenting, improving our breathing, or how to mix fibers and encaustic wax, I want us to be able to chat back and forth. Barring any technological snafus, I'll be adding a new threaded commenting system. What does this mean? We'll be able to reply to one another right there beneath the post. If another commenter leaves a thought to which you want to reply, you can do so - right there.
- I've run across several things recently that remind me that art pieces aren't about the pieces themselves; rather, the experiences they create. It helps me remember why I share my art with you in the first place. I will be revamping the art site to make it easier for you to purchase those pieces which create experiences for you. If you view a piece and find greater ease of breath, or feel a bit of magic stirring within, or are momentarily taken into a pause of contemplation ... I want you to be able to repeat that experience. (And to do so in greater depth - all of the pieces are more powerful in person than on the computer screen.) Whether you want to purchase the Oracle Deck, a print, or the original art, I want to make it simple.
- Newsletter subscribers just heard it first, but THIS IS THE SECOND PUBLIC PLACE THAT I'VE SHARED THIS: I have a REALLY unique class in the works. Honestly, I've not seen anything like it offered before. I've designed it to honor the way I would want to take a class...and in an attempt to reduce or eliminate the troubles I see with most online classes. Because it is so unique, there are many unique challenges I'm facing in getting this class to you - but if all goes well, you can watch for sign-ups at the beginning of April. I'll be giving hints over on the Facebook page, so be sure to connect there if you are interested!
- The BeingBreath message is one that I can FEEL, but one that I've not been so clear in articulating. (Is it the same for you? Try it: How does it FEEL to "be breath"? Now - how would you describe that in 25 words or less?) Because I haven't been able to put it into words, I've felt like I'm floundering a bit in what I am going to offer. Thankfully, I had yet another AHA moment recently....a phrasing that I feel incorporates all that BeingBreath is meant to be. As with all things, though, I'm experiencing it first to make sure it fits - living the message to ensure it is how I want to live and thus, what I want to offer to you. Be watching in the next couple of weeks for this message to emerge - and, like a diffused light shone through a pin-point hole - for the offerings to become a lot more brilliant because of it.
Any questions? Please, don't hesitate to
And while I review the responses from the
, please be sure to stay in touch over at
...where the conversation keeps going.
Here's to each breath....