Celebrate Papas and Water
First - to all of the fathers out there balancing tremendous responsibilities, and to the masculine spirit within us all providing a companion to the nurturing feminine as we raise our Selves,
Today is a mixed blessing for me. I shared awhile ago about the biggest loss in my life - that of my own father four years ago. It is because of that that I wish to ignore this day. Yet I also celebrate one of the greatest blessings - that of the father of my children. He is a strong, soft, humorous, deceptively deep man who so often provides that which I am not.
My gratitude flows graciously these days as I continue my journey into this unknown territory of living - this blending of Divine and Human for which I have so long striven. As with all, it is only when I let go of my life preserver that I found that I wouldn't drown.
I will continue to stress - both in my own life and as LifeUnity grows into what it was meant to become - the importance of being both Divine (the "woo-woo" stuff!) and Human (the mundane sometimes "ick" stuff). An example...
I came home after a weekend away today to realize I forgot to switch laundry before I left. Stinky wet clothes leered at me in the washer. (Please say you've done that, too. If you do, I'll admit that this isn't the first - nor the last time that this has or will happen(ed).) As I refilled the washing machine, I started reflecting on the water that was pouring in and how thankful I am to have that water...and on a post that Jenny Doh had written shortly after the devastation in Haiti.
I grabbed my camera (part of my goal being to document this whole life process!!) and just enjoyed the sensuality and blessings of WATER.
Then I closed the washer lid and went on sorting laundry.
Want more reasons to be grateful? Visit Kathy's blog at Everyday Bliss. First just read some of her posts and bask in the glory that is her life...the utter dedication to virtues that serve to bring Bliss. Try out a few, play her EveryDay Game, and be thankful that such reminders exist. THEN, Enter her giveaway for a gorgeous necklace and a PIG. Yep, a PIG.
I am blown away by her generosity - but she has offered to give the gift of a pig at Heifer.org in her giveaway winner's name. To give someone else the chance to have something we take for granted. If you are not in the financial position to donate - and no need to feel guilty about that - all you have to do is enter her giveaway to share the love.
I have more art to show you - girls I've sketched/painted that are actually exciting me (I can DO THIS!) - and more laundry to do, but tonight is about celebrating my children's father, my loving husband.
May you find reasons to celebrate tonight as well - for whatever reason or for none at all.
(If you want something to listen to whilst you celebrate, may I recommend an awesome interview. The LOVELY Connie @ Dirty Footprints Studio was interviewed on the radio at 107.1 with some very entertaining and insightful women - of course, being the deserving celebrity that she is! - and spoke down-to-earth wisdom about the concept of Belly Love and her own process!
AND....she mentioned ME and MY BLOG! *Sigh* I love that woman. I seriously, seriously do. THANK YOU CONNIE!
The radio station program is Get Real, 107.1 and the podcast can be found here.)