In Contemplation of Shambhala

I've been so quiet online recently.  Here's a peek at one thing that's been going on behind the scenes:


~24" x 20", acrylic on canvas

One of my largest canvas paintings to date, I completed this shortly after my Shambhala meditation training.  



Legend has it that a place called Shambhala used to exist (or perhaps still does), and it was a place of pure peace.  

"Shambhala is a Sanskrit word, which means "place of peace." It has often been thought of as a cluster of minds, of perfect and semi-perfect beings, who are guiding the evolution of humanity. It is also considered to be the source and safeguard of Kalachakra (The Wheel of Time), one of the highest branches of Tibetan mysticism and Buddhism's teachings." (source:

Some say Shambhala is or was a physical location, some say it is a parable leading to an inner peace.


This painting emerged while contemplating that place.  

Whether the gold-tipped mountains that emerge from nowhere and disappear back into nowhere take your mind to a far-off place of enlightened beings or to an ease of breath that emanates from your own being, I hope that in contemplation of this painting, you find many moments of peace.

