How is this possible?

It is not life that moves fast, it is my mind. When I slow my mind, it is like stepping out of the speeding car where life zooms past in the window....and just lying down in the field.


It is the first day of spring.  How is this possible?  We just celebrated the kids starting school in the fall....

I am 34 years old.  How is this possible?  I just celebrated my 21st birthday in an appropriate manner....

I weigh 7 more pounds now.  How is this possible?  I just congratulated myself on having lost those pounds....

Our friend just arrived at her five year anniversary at his job.  How is this possible?  She was just talking about being dissatisfied after her first year and swearing to find another job....

The wooded area up north just disappeared to an apartment complex.  How is this possible?  We were just enjoying the scenic drive through nature....


I slow my mind down in recognition.  

And suddenly, it is possible.

It is all possible.

It is.


Aware of this, I clean the dish knowing it is already broken.

