Experience The Change

We were supposed to get less than one inch of snow.

(That's more than one inch.)

Our kids' final day of school was cancelled.  I have 9 jars of peppermint bark, handwritten notes, and over 40 student gifts sitting on my counter.

Plans change.


You might have observed that I've been noticeably quiet here on the blog recently.  It is in part due to these constantly changing plans.


It is also due to something far more important: The need to experience instead of share.


I LOVE sharing.  But in order to share, I must first experience the stories.  

I must be fully present when things call to me - such as continuing to process the Sandy Hook tragedy, unrelated but challenging events at my childrens' own school, the behind-the-scenes work trying to get LifeUnity ready for the new year, the "Santa talk" that we finally had to have with our eldest son, the increasing snacks that need to be made and presents bought and wrapped and dust bunnies found and trapped.

Indeed there is a loose schedule for all of this.  The schedule includes time to get all of these things done and to post here on the blog.

But plans change. 

In addition to asking your understanding while I post less over the next week or so, I ask you only to honor the pace of your own life, to slow down when you feel overwhelmed, and to be present with your own life no matter what changes it is bringing to you right now.


In continued pause,
