Earth Harp and Yoga

We almost didn't go.

I had just learned about the event a few hours ago.  The performance was over an hour drive away.  It wouldn't even start until close to the kids' bedtime.  It was a school night and we wouldn't get home until after 10 p.m.  

In the half an hour when I had to make my decision - do we go or not? - I had to come to terms not just with that night's plans, but with my very grounds for decision-making.  

Thankfully, I realized these thoughts that kept bouncing around in my head were not reasons, but excuses.

And what's that saying?  That you regret not the things that you do, but the things you don't do?

(Side note: Connie at Dirty Footprints Studio had a great blog post about excuses and finding a way to do things that are important to you...check it out here.)

So last night, the kids and I packed up our yoga mats and went to see / participate in an amazing performance by Andrea Brook and Suzanne Sterling - a combination of the Earth Harp and yoga.

It was fascinating.

(This was part of a week-long annual festival occuring in Indianapolis, called Spirit and Place.  Learn more at 


(For those not familiar with the Earth Harp, this is a fantastic video of William Close, the creator of the Earth Harp, performing.  Basically there is a resonating chamber from which VERY long strings emit (they can run from 10 to 1000 feet...last night, they went from the stage, over the audience, to the balcony).  The strings are played by the performer who wears rosin covered gloves.  The Earth Harp is the largest string instrument in the world and - as I can now speak from experience - offers an incomparable experience for those blessed to hear it.)

My kids actually participated in most of the yoga and shared that (after their inital complaining) they were glad we went. 

our daughter finding her way through yoga

I might have had an even deeper resonance with the Earth Harp had we been situated beneath it, if I had not stopped to take video and/or photos, if I'd been alone or with fellow yoginis, if I'd been sitting with my eyes closed in meditation....but I dare to say that last night, I had the PERFECT experience.

Kids by my side (experiencing something they may otherwise never have), music vibrating through me, chakras opening in ways they never have, tears almost flowing (yes, truly), surrounded by people who were letting go of inhibitions to simply experience....

I cannot think of a better time.



With deep gratitude to Andrea, Suzanne, all of the people and donors who made this free performance possible, all of the attendees who actually participated and let their selves OPEN so we could collectively enter into joy, to my hubby who was working so we can do things like this, to my children who opened themselves to the experience, and to myself...for getting out of my own way,

I share a surface peak into the experience.

(Note: I had troubles uploading this through Vimeo, so this is through YouTube.  If it ever gets up on Vimeo, I will be switching the embedding/link here.)



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