Choose Something

I had so many excuses this morning.

I am away from home.  I had 2 glasses of wine last night which made me quite tired this morning.  It started to thunderstorm outside.  We could get an early start on our day.

And yet, my body knew what it needed.  It needed to sweat.  It wasn't going to accept any less.

Reluctantly, I stuck on my shoes and my mind compromised: 10 minutes on the treadmill.  A strong 10 minutes, but just 10 minutes.

15 minutes later, sweat dripping down the smile on my face, I type this.

I did something.  I could have done more.  I'm certainly off my training schedule.  But I did something.

Whether it means filling out an application for the job you longed for (and either leaving it on your counter or...*gasp* turning it in), picking up a pencil and just scribbling on paper (as you long to be a sketch artist), dipping your finger in a $1 sample tub of paint you purchased from the hardware store, walking 5 blocks around your home is something.

Every moment is SOMETHING.

Choose something.  Live consciously.


Lisa Wilson3 Comments