Am I Allowed To Be Nervous?

 I probably shouldn't be writing this.

I should save it for my journal, not my professional site.

Should, should, should....


Allow me to provide some context:

I have been invited to be interviewed by Mark Lipinski on Creative Mojo, a live, 2-hour, weekly internet radio show that addresses crafting and the creative lifestyle.  

A live show.  With 40,000+ potential listeners.  (Did I mention it was LIVE?)  THIS WEDNESDAY.  (Again, it is a LIVE interview.)


Now, allow me to repeat: I probably shouldn't be writing this.  I should be sharing the information, my excitement, and listing all of the reasons I am qualified to do this and why you should listen.

Screw That.

I'm freakin' nervous.

Is that allowed???


Seriously: Admitting one's anxiety in the business world is equivalent to saying, "I have no idea what I'm doing".  It invites doubt where a facade would have kept it at bay.

How often do people admit their true emotions in situations like this?  In the professional world it's all about the glitz and glamour.  You aren't supposed to be nervous.  You are supposed to be over-qualified, confident, blessing others with your presence.  You are supposed to know what you are doing (or fake it if you don't).


I've run in that world.  I have degrees, certifications, work experience, and scientific publications that speak nothing of who I am.  That world was stressful, competitive, and downright insane.  

I'm not interested in going back.


So as LifeUnity progresses, as I share my messages with broader ranges of people, I want to commit to YOU and to myself that I will never hide again. 

I declare that I am qualified to do what I am doing because of who I am, not because of what I've done or what titles follow my name.  I promise to tell you if I don't know the answer and to make an attempt to learn.  I commit to focusing on increasing AWARENESS, not on increasing numbers (followers, moola, etc.).  I will journey WITH you instead of ahead of you, I will make this life a joyous practice instead of an anxiety-ridden pursuit, and I will do it all as honestly, compassionately, and with as little judgment as I possibly can.

And I invite you to do the same.


So, yes, I'm excited.  I'm THRILLED!  I'm honored...and I'm NERVOUS.  That's how I roll.


If you are interested in joining this roller-coaster ride and hearing me discuss Awareness Arts and current events LIVE, Please join us!

Mark's show, Creative Mojo, is every Wednesday from 3 - 5 p.m. (EST).  You can listen LIVE online at :

OR, if you aren't available at that time (or want to check out some of the other episodes), you can subscribe to his podcast on ITunes.

I've listened to a few of the shows and would recommend tuning in for the whole thing.  (It was rated by as one of the Internet's five most motivational webcasts and was a featured podcast on  Mark is enthusiastic, funny, and has a great energy while interviewing!  And the range of guests are FANTASTIC (check out previous guests on his blog site).  But if you are short on time and just want to hear my lovely, shaky voice, I should be on around 3:15/3:20ish this Wednesday, May 16th.


Thank you, dear friends, for all of your support this far.  This is another day, another breath, another beginning...

