21 Secrets Live! Giveaway Winner

Thank you SO MUCH to all of the amazing comments on Making Time for Art!

I am BLOWN AWAY by your responses, and am not only leaving that post with a huge smile, but with many new tips to integrate into my own life.  Your comments touched my heart and will alter the spent minutes of my life - thank you, thank you.


And now, on to the winner!!


There were 54 entries total (between those who left a comment + additional entries for those who shared on social media).

Using the random # generator, I picked #46  


which was....


Kate Robertson!!



You've won a spot in 21 Secrets Live!

I will be in touch to set up the details.


If you didn't win, don't fret!

- You can still secure your spot by signing up HERE.

- You still have one more chance to win a spot on tomorrow's blog hop!


And don't forget to download the free PDF, "Make Time For Art".


THANK YOU again to all who entered, and don't forget to visit my own, Connie's, and Hali's blogs tomorrow for your final chance to win.  (And if you like what you saw at BeingBreath, don't forget to sign up for my newsletter and "like" BeingBreath over on Facebook to stay in contact!)

