Pardon Me!
Pardonnez-Moi for the little hiccup in blogging! Allow me to fill you in on what has been going on:
(***Grrr....we are away from home and the plug-in on this computer just crashed. Alas, no photos for this blog - even though I just uploaded some fun ones! GGGGGRRRRRRR.***)
* BIG stuff. Literally. Connie's class ( has overwhelmed my life, like a huge wave of fresh breath I never knew I needed. A tribe of beautiful women, videos and chats with the lovely Connie herself, and introspective and free-ing painting that is leading me to a life of my dreams. Too lovey-sounding? Here's the basics: I'm painting. I love it. It is changing my perspective on life. 'nough said.
* Art Journaling. I took Connie's Art Journal Love Letters class several months ago ( (Ok, yeah, I admit a little crush on her. What can I say - she is an amazing woman!) and learned techniques and had some cues on going deeper. It took getting my own fear gremlins out of the way to actually understand what art journaling can bring to one's life. Here's a photo from a recent page-in-progress....I LOVE the color palette I stumbled upon. (**Um, yeah...Nope. No photos. Silly computer.)
* Cutting the Crap. We are decluttering the house - every nook and cranny. Hubby is on vacation this week (hence the slow down on blogging...expect things to pick back up next week!) so we are taking full advantage of the time we have to create a home we'll be happy to live in next week and the weeks after. It is stunning how freeing it is to remove things that are no longer needed.
* Moving. As in moving my body. I've noticed the past few weeks that I've started paying more and more attention to the pudge around my middle but doing less and less about it. This leads to more feelings of guilt...and a nasty cycle. This morning, I donned my running shoes and went out for a couple of miles. It felt AWESOME. I'm nowhere near the shape I was in around the mini-marathon but am totally psyched that I still feel this good while running! We have a couple of events in the near future - I'll add more about those soon! For anyone out there feeling a bit guilty about not MOVING I cannot encourage you enough to just stand up -
yes, right now -
and just stretch into a huge, deep, yummy breath. Remember how good that feels. Imprint it into your body. Next time you feel the call to do more or just to move, do it.
* Review. Ah, amazing things still going on in between parenting, painting, pitching, and partnering. Still plugging away at the Artistic Mother projects (see the link on my sidebar) (following Shona Cole's book, "The Artistic Mother"), the Firestarter Sessions (with Danielle in all of her brilliance), Suzi Blu's fun & totally inspirational Goddess & Poet class, reviewing the AWESOME information that was shared through Kelly Rae Robert's Flying Lessons class, and fervently trying to keep up with reading blogs. Oh my dear friends, I still love each of you...I will visit SO SOON!! I know I'm forgetting some stuff, but that's enough for now! :)
On top of that (yes, you may declare me officially insane) I am SO thinking I'm going to need to jump on the Sketchbook Project (have you checked this out? Join with me!) aaaand I've some plans in store for merging LifeUnity and the sadly neglected Strength To Be Me site. Shhh...our little secret....but it'll be a new, fresh start for bigger things!
*BIG BREATH* THANK YOU for sticking with me on this brief computer down-time. No excuses just explanations as to why it has been a little quiet in LifeUnity Land recently.
Hope you are all having as much fun as I am!!