Bit 'O Inspiration
Just a few things that have recently been brought to my attention...things that might benefit you as well.
First, for those of you not yet aware of Karen Maezen Miller, I cannot stress enough how important it could be for your life to check out all she has to share. (Nope. Not being overly dramatic.)
My words don't do it justice. Check out her blog at: and this stunning video for her upcoming book, Hand Wash Cold.
PLEASE, if nothing else, take just a minute after you finish reading this to jaunt over to her site. If you allow yourself just a few minutes to look around, I promise you'll find a seed (that if you allow it to grow) may just change your life.
Second, this workshop (Handmade Writer) was recently brought to my attention - and what perfect timing! The workshop "is about exploring the world and looking for inspiration around you". Honestly, we could ALL benefit from taking that beauty that is all around us, soaking it in, then using our own voice to share it back with the world. (The course starts on April 12th and runs for 6 weeks)
Amy has a beautiful site at (and a blog at is worth checking out, along with the course!
Finally, I love those posts where I am just SO glad I happened to read it. Kelli Russell Agodon at recently posted one of those. She shared a YouTube video, The Fairy Scientist. I could post it here, but I want you to visit her blog, too. :)
Check out the video and her post here.
So much more to share, but I don't want to over-inspire you. ;)