My First Guest Post!!


The lovely KATHY at EVERYDAY BLISS (Doesn't even saying that make you smile??) asked me to be a guest on her insightful blog...and my post is up TODAY! I got to write about "Surprise"...seriously, how fun is that?!

Kathy is a fellow mommy who "ponders cosmic questions" and "generally fumbles around in her pursuit for fun, fulfillment and everyday bliss". Kindred soul indeed!

Her blog is her year-long pursuit of 13 Bliss Virtues (YUM, eh?!), modeling efforts made by good ole' Ben Franklin (whose name also keeps popping up in my research and reading...hmmm). Learn more about the background of her path here.

I have had great fun ever since I discovered her blog following her admirable and human attempts to fully live these beautiful virtures. I've tried the wonderful suggestions she offered and learned about myself in the process!

I'll keep this post short so you have plenty of time to visit Everday Bliss and discover the virtues yourself! (Oh, and of course, my guest post. :) Ok, so humility is one of those I apparently need to work on.)

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