Change of Plans.
My day started out with a disappointing change of plans. After actually making it out of bed at 6 a.m., Chris headed downstairs to do weights and temporarily helped me get my bike ready. It took about 10 minutes to get the tires re-inflated, the safety lights on, etc. I headed down our driveway into a stunning morning lit only by moonlight and the bright beam of light from my bicycle.
I made it up a hill I didn't the other day and approximately .75 miles before my plans changed. Apparently I hadn't gotten the light properly attached to the clip and it flew off. When I went back to pick it up (lit by the bright red light on the rear of the bike!), I found that it would only work if the button on the light were held down. I tried to honor my original plans and continued on in only moonlight. (Our neighborhood doesn't have street lights.) After a few potholes and a racing heart, I decided to head home.
Sometimes we need to learn when to allow plans to change.
My entire day seemed to be lesson after lesson in allowing plans to change. Without my morning workout, the day just didn't have the same vibe. (After the struggles with the bike it was too late to do much when I arrived home.) Honestly, I was in a pretty foul mood throughout the day.
This evening I've been trying to take it slow - partly because I have zero drive to clean, switch laundry, etc. and partly because I want to allow myself time to renew....that tomorrow may be better.
Each year the amount of media coverage on 9/11 seems to get less and less. But each story is just as powerful as it was 8 years ago. For an interesting perspective, see this story on teaching 9/11 to those who are too young to actually remember 9/11/01. (It is so odd to me that my kids will study 9/11 as I did other historical events with a great disconnect...that I may be interviewed for some extra credit about my memories of that day.) EVERYONE'S plans changed that morning. Some more drastically than others.
I have a lot of reflection on death but too much to add to this post. It seems enough now to quietly type, to reflect, to honor the emotions that change brings. May we re-member.