A! B C reative.

Hah - had fun with the title for this one.

Thank you for the deep and thought out comments on the last post.  It's funny - most people here and on FB meant that thought I was going to take a break...when I was writing because I felt like I already took one!  Ah well...I'm going to let that organically develop, take the suggestions offered by you wonderful people, and move on.

The biggest thing going on in my life right now?  BIG.  Connie's class (Dirty Footprints Studio) centered around Fearless Painting.  I took the class because I adore Connie but am fascinated to find that this class is leading, pushing, nudging me to those places I've longed to find for so long.

BIG is helping me:

  • Get back into running.  Yeah, I know.  Painting is helping me run.  That's just how this funky universe works! I will admit that for several weeks I have not been running...but I took those first few steps outside a couple of days ago and YUM!  (hot even at 7 a.m., but yum.)  The creative process helps me brush those procrastination-chips off of my shoulder and puts a li'l energy juice into my dreams...so I wake up ready to go.

  • Create into my Self.  Fancy, but what does that mean?  I know I'm something special in there.  That isn't ego speaking, rather divinity (which is in all of us) acknowledging itself.  The process we are going through in BIG is helping me create my life - smoosh it, paint it, tear it, fold it, gently coax it - back into that unique, glittered, shiny form it was before I became afraid to be that person.

  • Make some pretty cool stuff.  Ohhh, I so want to hit "backspace" and erase that.  But now that I've typed farther, it would take too long to do it. :)  The product may not be what this is all about, but it is a nice side result, eh?  Part of being BIG is admitting that YES, this stuff is cool.  I LIKE having it hanging on my wall.  No caveats, no "yeah, buts", nothing further.

Wanna see?

I adore this one because it has a hidden message!  Love that!!  It started out as just painted shapes.  From there, I wanted alphabet shapes....my Cricut machine was right there....and the rest was history.

The hidden message appears in the colored letters.

It's a bit trickier to see in a photo, but look at the red, yellow, and blue letters...read from top to bottom, left to right.  Seeing anything?

Want a bit more help?

It may take some time to understand, but once you see...you'll never be able to Not See again.

Oooh, so much within me and you!  We should celebrate....any suggestions?

Lisa Wilson5 Comments