A Rose By Any Other Name

My monkey mind is completely preoccupied with its little self, running around and around the cage training for the upcoming Indianapolis Mini Marathon this Saturday.  It wants to keep my body revved up since my physical training has to slow down.

Good golly does that little monkey have energy! 

I plan to post at least once more before I head up to Indy, probably on the race prep.  (We'll have to wake up at FOUR A.M.  Seriously.  My eyes hath not seen the light dark of 4:00 a.m. probably since the last time that I was actually up until 4 from the night before.)  More on that later. (The race day, not the last night I was up until 4.  There was probably a reason I was up until 4 and do you really think I'd remember a night like that?!)

I thought I'd just share a bit of humor we received recently from the wisdom of our daughter.

My husband was in the car with her when she blurted out from the back seat,

"Hey daddy?  My name is Dilana."

My husband replied, "Yes, I know that.  Do you want me to call you "lana"?"

She replied, "NO, daddy, my name is DI-lana."

My husband smiled and said back, "Yes, but I thought you might like a nickname."

My daughter huffed and said, "NO DADDY.  My name is NOT NICK, it's DILANA."