May 15, 2016.

Today's walk was much longer than 30 minutes. In total, it was at least a few hours and easily 10 miles of a step-by-step journey. 

It was a healing walk, or at least an attempt at healing.

The first part took me along a busy highway. I was still in a strongly negative mood from the days before, and while I was cautious, I remained oblivious to caring about any glances from passers-by. 

Later parts took me along less busy roads, and past fields and industrial buildings.

Along the way, I thought ... and forgot my thoughts, over and over. 

4 miles in, I stopped at a Starbucks, then did a return 4 miles back towards home. Not feeling complete with my time away, however, I continued on through our neighborhood and back pathways and hills.

Sometimes, the walks help and heal.

Sometimes, they only provide the time and space for healing to begin.


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